Apr 14, 2019

Human-Body Skeleton Detection using OpenCV

Objective : A model is developed to detect the major key points of the body in the image/video using the image/video as the input stream and track the movements of the key–points using OpenCV to reduce the overheads of installation of Motion Sensing Technology which uses Infrared Sensors..

Project Link - Human-Body Skeleton Detection using OpenCV

Motivation - Why do we need to detect the key-points of the human body?

  • Motion sensing technology is increasingly deployed in many applications where human detection is reqired such as gaming, security and military.
  • Motion sensing input device such as Microsoft's Xbox 360 Kinect provides this applicability using infrared sensors, IR sensors are much more expensive comapred to optical cameras.
  • Installation procedure is hectic and inconvenient to be widely used.

    Datasets used for training the model - COCO dataset and MPII dataset.

    Human-Body Skeleton Detection

    Applications - This model can be integrated into the systems for various purposes. Few of them are listed below:

  • Game Strategy - It can be used to understand the gameplay of a player and his next moves to improve the game strategy.
  • Orthopaedic patient diagnosis - It can be used by the doctors to understand the key points while analysing the body postures of the patients.
  • Injury Analysis of Sportsperson - It can be used by the sports authorities to live track the player's movements and detect the key-points of the body to understand the injury reasons if occured any.
  • Gymnasium - It can be used by the gymnastic person to improve their movement's in order to prevent future injuries.
  • Surveillance Activities - Action and behaviour analysis by gestures, body movements, and detection of abnormal activities.

    This project was selected for Industrial Academic Meet (IAM) 2019 held at IIIT Raipur under the track - Data Science and Machine Learning.